
Registration with us takes place in two steps

  1. You send us a non-binding inquiry with the following form, which we will confirm shortly.
  2. After receiving the confirmation you can book the offer by paying a reservation fee (menu item booking ).




The special program "Traces of the pioneers" can be booked directly through our partner Nature Tours. >> continue here

For your stay in the Estancia Melicó or individually arranged "Experience stay Patagonia", please enter your desired date below – in the text field for individual requests.
For your Buenos Aires program we will make you a separate offer with further information after consultation with our partners.
Personal Data:

Privacy Policy: Your personal information will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose of organizing your stay with us. Upon request, your information will be deleted afterwards. Otherwise, we will allow you to save them for the delivery of information material about the current offers of Vagamundo. The transfer to third parties is excluded.

